The world slips by, and a new day dawns, as we pass under the road and rail bridges over the Irrawaddy River. Slowly meandering our way to ancient Bagan.

After dredging the weeds from the lake's bottom, Inle Lake residents will eventually use the weeds as fertilizer for the floating gardens.

As the sun rises, the mist clears just enough to reveal a make-shift village on the banks of the Irrawaddy River, near Mandalay.

A young novice monk lights candles in front of the reclining Buddha statue in preparation for the Ananda Festival, Bagan.

The sugar cane harvest is in full swing in the fields around Lake Inle. Soon the ox carts will arive to transport the cane to the village for processing.

Young men from the Palaung village head off to the rice terraces in the hills around Kalaw.