"TRIBAL GATHERING" - At the invitation of the Makhad Trust, who are fighting to restore the oases that are so essential to the Bedouin way of life, we trek through remote valleys to attend a historic meeting of the South Sinai Bedouin Tribes. A meeting we hope will help safeguard their future...

Desert Trek, Wadi Razarah, South Sinai.

Treking with camels and local Bedouin, South Sinai.

Desert Trek, South Sinai.

White Canyon, Ain Khudra Oasis, South Sinai.

Ancient Ain Khudra Oasis, South Sinai.

Bedouin guide making breakfast, after a night under the stars, Oasis campsite Nr. Wadi Razarah, South Sinai.

Oasis campsite Nr. Wadi Razarah, South Sinai.

Pre-historic burial chambers, Nawamis, SouthSinai.

Camels leaving the campsite Nr. Nawamis, South Sinai.

Meditation and retreat campsite, Nr. Nawamis, SouthSinai.

Faraj making tea in 'The Makhad', Nawamis, South Sinai.